Nioh 2 Ryomen Sukuna Odachi. You need to retreat to the edge of the arena where you can deal with the attacks he throws at you, closing in as you do, then get your hits in before retreating back out. In the boss arena, there are many crystals that, when destroyed, give elemental buffs to weapons - red give you fire; blue give you water.
He can switch between them but generally attacks with his fire half and uses the water half for.
The primary familiarity stats are Heart, Strength, Stamina, for Odachis.
Si ves la cara naranja golpeará con las hachas, si ves la cara azul, entonces irá con el arco. Right now it seems to be the Odachi. El jefe, como habrás visto en la secuencia, está capacitado para los ataques a corta distancia con las hachas, y a larga con el arco.
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