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Building the North Texas Army

So after winning the Arlington Event, and being told that I could not play in any of the other Combat Patrols (I know sad times) but knowing that there was going to be quite a bit of stiff competition I figured it was time to do some play tests and figure out what I was going to need to buy, build and paint. Here's the Army List that I finally settled on, with a bit of help from the great people at Warseer.

Farseer - 133pts
Spirit Stone, Fortune, Doom, Singing Spear
(Riding with Banshees)

Farseer - 90pts
Guide, Witchblade, Runes of Warding

Fire Dragons x5 - 113pts
Exarch x1
Fire Pike, Crack Shock (I hate Dreadnaughts in Cover)
(Riding Falcon)

Howling Banshees x8 - 281pts
Exarch x1
Executioner, Acrobatic, WarShout (people always fail that ld10 roll when they need it most, I know I do :P)
Wave Serpent
Spirit Stone, TL Shuriken Can, TL Shuriken Cat

Guardian Defender Squad x10 - 128 pts
Scatter Laser
Embolden, Singing Spear

Guardian Defender Squad x10 - 125 pts
Scatter Laser
Embolden, Wraitsword

Guardian Defender Squad x10 - 125 pts
Scatter Laser
Embolden, Wraitsword

~Heavy Support~
Falcon - 165 pts
Spirit Stones, Holofields, Pulse Laser, Shuriken Cannon, TL Shuriken Catapult

Wraithlord - 155 pts
Flamer x2, EML, Brightlance

War Walkers x3 - 180 pts
Scatter Laser x2 each

Total Points - 1,500
Models - 56

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