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☾ Sailor Moon X Kanro Candy Pt. 2

Earlier this year I showed you the 2  Sailor Moon X Kanro Candy bags I got and mentioned how I wanted to collect them all. 

Last month, when my friends and I went to Kawaii Pop, my friend gave me the 3rd bag I needed to have all the 55g designs.

The idea is the same as the previous ones, it has a beautiful stained glass design featuring the inner Senshi: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus. Inside you get different, random designs on each candy.

The different senshi I got this time were Jupiter (2) abd Moon!! I got Uranus, Venus and Saturn again.

Super Happy I got Sailor Moon this time!!

The flavor is also peach and rose. Actually, I quite liked them! It's a very unique flavor.

I know this is a very short post but, I really wanted to share these yummies with you as a part of my SM collection.

Now I need to find the 25g cabdy bags to have them all! 

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