RPGA Module 2 "Black Opal Eye" (1983) by Laura and Tracy Hickman is a sequel to RPGA Module 1 "Rahasia". The two 16-page modules were later combined (with a few changes) as module B7 "Rahasia" (1984).
Advertisement for RPGA Module 2 "Black Opal Eye" in Polyhedron #13 (the newsletter of the Role Playing Game Association)
As with RPGA Module 1, "Black Opal Eye" is a B/X adventure (the Moldvay Basic rulebook is cited by page number), although both were published shortly after the release of the 1983 version of the D&D Basic rules, edited by Frank Mentzer.
RPGA Module 2 represents a different quest, in a different location, than RPGA Module 1, although it's possible for the party to pursue the Rahib directly from the first location to the next (in which case the second quest is presented differently).
Design Origins:
Hickman has gone on record to state that the first level of Elyas' tower...
...was actually a first level design I did for the very first adventure I ever created. It was supposed to be the first floor of Orthanc from 'The Lord of the Rings.' I lifted that design and transplanted it as Black Opal Eye.
The cover illustration for RPGA Module 2 is by Harry Quinn, while the frontispiece and interior illustrations are by Timothy Truman.
Illustration by Timothy Truman
New Monsters:
The Three Witch-Sisters (Karelena, Solorena, Trilena) are great villains, modeled after the Three Witches in folklore.
Design is credited to Laura and Tracy Hickman, with development and editing by Edward G. Sollers. Cartography is by David S. LaForce.
Module B7:
Some errors in RPGA Module 2 were addressed in module B7 (the secret doors in room 5 require ladders in rooms 6 and 9, since the rooms are on different levels; the boxed text for room 51. Inner Sanctum is unclear and was re-written).
Module B7 contained several new illustrations by Jeff Easley (the wine labels are a nice touch), and a more detailed set of prerolled characters, with Indonesian names.
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