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COMC haul #20: We wish you a mini Richmas and a patchy new year!

(Note:  all COMC haul posts can be accessed here)

Since it's been a while, plus I thought the title fit well with the season, here's a quickie COMC haul post featuring TMM favorite Rich Hill!

Nine new ones today:
Rich Hill 2006 Bowman Heritage Mini
Rich Hill 2007 Fleer Mini Die Cuts
Rich Hill 2007 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini A and G Back
Rich Hill 2007 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini
Rich Hill 2008 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini A and G Back
Rich Hill 2008 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Black
Rich Hill 2008 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini
Rich Hill 2008 Upper Deck Goudey Mini Red Back
Rich Hill 2008 Upper Deck Premier Swatches triple patch (#13/50)

Yep, Hill has a bunch of minis, which annoys me a bit because then I have to scan fronts and backs and figure out exactly what they are.  Still, they ARE pretty cool cards.

The triple patch is one I grabbed quite a ways back during my months-long summer purchase, and it's easily one of the best patch cards I own period.  The "IVY" cutout was a cool idea on UD's part, but the execution was even better--I mean, look at all that color!

A couple quick counts:  Hill still leads all challengers in the hit department and he now stands at 61.  These new additions also make for a milestone-worthy IHAS count (including 1/1s) of 125!  Please feel free to have a gander at all of those right over here.

Look for more COMC haul goodness to come as I fight to get back into the swing of posting somewhat regularly, plus, probably something about Michigan's appearance in the Outback Bowl.

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