Not sure which style to go with, and the Vulkan Build involves painting a few more miniatures before the end of the month, so which should I choose? Or any helpful hints? Am I missing a Landraider for Transport of Termies? Are both builds missing CC units or maybe a Libby? I had my ass handed to me by Pornstarjedi's 3 Soulgrinders List (Monstrous Creatures eat Dreadnoughts and are AV13)...
HQ - Vulkan Hestan, Master Crafted Relic Blade, TL HF
TROOP - Tactical Squad (10), TL Flamer / TL Multi-Melta, Serg - Melta Bombs
TROOP - Tactical Squad (10), TL Flamer / TL Multi-Melta
TROOP - Sniper Scouts, Hvy Bolter Hellfire Rounds
ELITE - Ironclad Dreadnought, Seismic Hammer w/ TL Melta Gun, DCCW w/ TL HF, 2 x Hunter Killer Missiles
ELITE - Dreadnought, TL MM and DCCW w/ TL HF
ELITE - Terminator Assault Squad, 3 Master Crafted Thunderhammer / Storm Shield, 2 Lightning Claws
FA - Landspeeder Squadron (2), 1 x TL HF, TL MM. 1 x TL MM
FA - Landspeeder (1), 1 x TL HF, TL MM
FA - Attack Bike Squadron (3), 3 x TL MM
HVY - Thunderfire Cannon
HVY - Predator w/ Autocannon, Side Sponson Hvy Bolters
HVY - Vindicator
HQ - Marneus Calgar, Armour of Antilochus
HQ - Master of the Forge
TROOP - Tactical Squad (10), Melta Gun / Missile Launcher, Rhino
TROOP - Tactical Squad (10), Flamer / Missile Launcher, Rhino
TROOP - Sniper Scouts, Hvy Bolter Hellfire Rounds
ELITE - Ironclad Dreadnought, Seismic Hammer w/ Melta Gun, DCCW w/ HF, 1 x Hunter Killer Missiles
ELITE - Rifleman Dreadnought, 2 x TL Autocannon
ELITE - Terminator Assault Squad, 3x ThunderHammer/Storm Shields, 2x Lightning Claws
HVY - Venerable Dreadnought MM / DCCW
HVY - Dreadnought, TL Lascannon, DCCW
HVY - Rifleman Dreadnought, 2 x TL Autocannon
Any thoughts/tips, I'd be grateful. Thanks
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